Tlc Puppy Food Ingredients
Delivering the ultimate balance of quality meats, animal fats, vitamins and minerals, tlc whole life dog food provides everything your puppy needs to develop into a strong, healthy and energetic dog.
Tlc puppy food ingredients. All information appearing on the tlc pet nutrition website including logos are the sole property of the registered owner: Best ingredients in dog food. For a complete list of ingredients and how they benefit your puppy please visit:
Tlc, on the other hand is over 75% meat based, with lamb and chicken as our top ingredients. Protein and amino acids that meat contain are necessary for muscle growth and recovery. All life stages (via feeding trials) best for:
Tlc whole life puppy food uses a combination of quality, concentrated meats including lamb meal, chicken meal and salmon meal. Protection against allergies tlc whole life puppy does not contain any of the more common allergens such as corn, soy beans, wheat or beef. Our tlc dog food comes from fresh, whole and natural ingredients.
Tlc puppy dry food, a wire crate (36 inches with a divider) that puppy can see through, puppy toys (kong) to play with and chew on, bowls for food and water, a slicker brush for gentle grooming, toe nail clippers, and treats. When purchasing your food, please remember that we feed our puppies and adults the tlc whole life dog food. Delivering the ultimate balance of quality meats, animal fats, vitamins and minerals, tlc whole life dog food provides everything your puppy needs to develop into a strong, healthy and energetic dog.
Protein and amino acids that meat contain are necessary for muscle growth and recovery. Tlc finds lamb, chicken and salmon as the best and that is why their dog food features these. This site is the official website for the registered brand name tlc pet nutrition (including the products tlc adult, tlc puppy & tlc cat.
Lamb, chicken, and salmon meats are some of the best pet food ingredients available. Unlike many of the listed foods, tlc includes both probiotics (beneficial bacteria) and prebiotics for digestive health, along with glucosamine and chondroitin for skeletal and joint health. These concentrated meats are extremely rich in protein.